Raw File
Tip revision: 717ab60f04dd6c4b76a9bb9ac15ed52931dfaa46 authored by Christopher Schwan on 23 February 2024, 13:41:47 UTC
Release v0.7.0
Tip revision: 717ab60

# What is PineAPPL?

This repository contains programs, libraries and interfaces to read and write
`PineAPPL` interpolation grids, which store theoretical predictions for
[high-energy collisions] independently from their [PDFs] and the [strong

PineAPPL grids are generated by Monte Carlo generators, and the grids in turn
can be convoluted with PDFs to produce tables and plots, such as the following


(image from [arXiv:2401.08749], on p. 16, figure 4.4)

[high-energy collisions]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_physics
[PDFs]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parton_(particle_physics)#Parton_distribution_functions
[strong coupling]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coupling_constant#QCD_and_asymptotic_freedom
[arXiv:2401.08749]: https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.08749

# Quick links

- [Documentation](docs/README.md)
- [Installation instructions](docs/installation.md)
- [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md)

# Citation

If you use PineAPPL, please cite

1. the software itself using its [zenodo DOI] and
2. the [paper] introducing it.

[zenodo DOI]: https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/248306479
[paper]: https://inspirehep.net/literature/1814432

# Similar projects

`PineAPPL` is the most recent addition to the family of grid interpolation

- [APPLgrid](https://applgrid.hepforge.org/) and
- [fastNLO](https://fastnlo.hepforge.org/).
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