
sort by:
Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
f1fac01 From Valeri Fine: - re-implement TGQt::TVirtualX::GrabKey method via Qt QAccel class to make ROOT GUI keyboard navigation work properly. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15695 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 05 July 2006, 07:04:16 UTC
1cb42be From Valeriy Onuchin: - GUI Builder: enable "crop button" when lasso is drawn. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15694 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 05 July 2006, 07:02:23 UTC
37af8f5 restore the previous behaviour of Module.mk. Dependencies were not correct in case of Windows and Solaris. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15693 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 05 July 2006, 06:56:48 UTC
541b275 From Axel: Fix a problem on Windows (typo) git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15692 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 05 July 2006, 04:49:05 UTC
d30e854 From Bertrand: Here is the (hopefully) final patch. TChainProof: - added TVirtualProof* as third constructor argument - added fDrawFeedback initialization in ctor and added protections - moved ConnectProof() from MakeChainProof() to GetPlayer() to avoid poping-up canvas with TSessionViewer TSessionViewer: - use TChain::SetProof() and TChain::Process() instead of TChain::MakeTDSet() - correct usage of TVirtualProof::CleanupSession() and TVirtualProof::Reset() TSessionDialogs: - added user notification of succesful dataset upload - made "Overwrite Dataset" and "Append to Dataset" options mutually exclusive git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15691 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 23:45:50 UTC
65f6ec0 Some new features in TSelector and derivatives: - new method Abort() which allows Process() to be aborted by the user from within the selector. After Abort(), either the Process() is aborted or the current file is aborted and the next file in a chain will be processed. Abort() can also be called from Begin(), SlaveBegin(), Init() and Notify() to interrupt processing. In all cases SlaveTerminate() and Terminate() are still called. - new method GetEntry() which is a wrapper around: fChain->GetTree()->GetEntry() - GetStatus() now also implemented in TSelectorCint so the selector fStatus is correctly reported back by TTree::Process() also for interpreted selectors (also documented in the generated selector). - documented in the generated selector code that the boolean return values of Notify() and Process() are not used. - fixed a bug in TProofPlayer() that caused Init() and Notify() to be called for every packet and not once per file. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15690 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 23:35:37 UTC
1c2734c From Wouter Verkerke: New vewrsion 2.09 of RooFit o RooAbsPdf - Add switch to randomizeProtoOrder() and to generate() to select alternate dataset randomization behavior (resampling instead of reshuffling) o RooGenContext - Take out debug statement that was accidentally left in o RooGlobalFunc - Add flag to ProtoData() named argument to support resampling mode of RooAbsPdf::generate() o RooProdGenContext - Fix detection and handling of leftover conditional observables in global product expression. o RooRealVar - Always write lmits in writeToStream() even if they are (-INF,+INF) - Fix streaming of RooRealVarSharedProperty objects, increment schema tag from v3 to v4 git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15689 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 21:54:07 UTC
d3e9f54 From Axel: Implementing ConcatFileName and Which to not return a new char[] to be deleted by the user, but operate on an existing TString. because of backward compatibility issues I had to introduce new function names. Which(...const char*,...) -> FindFile(...TString&,...) ConcatFileName(...const char*,...) -> PrependPath(...TString&,...) The existing Which and ConcatFilename are now wrappers for the new TString versions. The wrapping is done in TSystem, so all derived classes need to implement FindFile and PrependPath now. I've also fixed a few obvious problems and incompatibilities between the windows and the unix versions; the VMS version is IMHO still broken. One of the problems fixed: ConcatFileName(0,"name") returned "name" on unix, but "\\name" on windows. It now returns "name" for all. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15688 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 17:36:38 UTC
8dc7a73 fix some mathcore tutorials when run in compiled mode. Use nanosecons for testrandom git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15687 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 15:44:11 UTC
c4d21f7 add an example on how to generate and use in I/O dictionary for LorentzVector of float types git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15686 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 15:33:49 UTC
1a570dd Increment version tag to v2.09 git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15684 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 15:13:29 UTC
387012a o RooAbsPdf - Add switch to randomizeProtoOrder() and to generate() to select alternate dataset randomization behavior (resampling instead of reshuffling) o RooGenContext - Take out debug statement that was accidentally left in o RooGlobalFunc - Add flag to ProtoData() named argument to support resampling mode of RooAbsPdf::generate() o RooProdGenContext - Fix detection and handling of leftover conditional observables in global product expression. o RooRealVar - Always write lmits in writeToStream() even if they are (-INF,+INF) - Fix streaming of RooRealVarSharedProperty objects, increment schema tag from v3 to v4 git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15683 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 15:07:58 UTC
0bedef0 From Leandro: This fixes a small problem in TFileCacheRead that could lead to an uncontrolled memory consumption in some cases. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15682 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 12:58:09 UTC
ab9e6e7 add comments and update identation for coding convention git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15681 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 10:36:52 UTC
e5cec29 From Gerri: Attached is the patch to improve the default speed of TChain::SetProof. I have added two flags: - to control whether the tree header has to be retrieved or not (default kFALSE). - to force refreshing of the associated fChainProof; default is kFALSE; this is used internally by the "Add..." methods if fChainProof is defined, so that the new additions to the chain are automatically taken into account in the associated data set (this was one of the problems Jan-Fiete had). TChainProof::StartViewer now checks if the tree header is available and, if not, tries to get it from PROOF; so the behaviour is always the same, except that now one waits only when the viewer is started, and not for normal processing. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15680 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 10:23:53 UTC
be89a12 From Bertrand: - Added "DataSets" tab in TSessionViewer, containing a ListTree widget showing the datasets uploaded on the cluster, and the files being part of the datasets. - Added TUploadDataSetDlg class, allowing to create and upload datasets from a list of files. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15679 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 10:16:52 UTC
d815793 From Bertrand: call ProcessEvents() in file merger so it does not block the GUI. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15678 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 10:15:36 UTC
691a496 from Bertrand: - do not remove temporary pdf file when printing on windows git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15677 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 09:24:43 UTC
15a4930 from Valeri Onuchin: - correct disabling/enabling align buttons when lasso is drawn git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15676 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 09:21:56 UTC
5ae9d48 Fix coding convention violations. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15675 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 06:31:22 UTC
14bfdb3 From Wim: o) rewrote parsing of class names to locate and build scopes git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15674 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 04 July 2006, 04:38:49 UTC
241cd73 update doc and identation for coding convention git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15673 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 22:06:42 UTC
3ec0bc8 from Axel: Change the signature of SavePrimitive from void SavePrimitive(ofstream &out, Option_t *option); to void SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t *option = ""); With this change one can do, eg myhist.SavePrimitive(std::cout); WARNING: do rm -f tree/src/*.o git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15672 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 16:10:46 UTC
67a1666 first attempt to fix coding convention git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15671 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 15:48:06 UTC
92722a3 o RooBMixDecay - Fix mistake in internal generator for mistag rate > 0.5 o RooParametricStepFunction - Implement correct analytical integral for subranges git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15669 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 15:37:57 UTC
a4d99dc o RooAbsCollection - Fix bug in printLatex() : mangle both upper and lowercase options for sibling lists instead of just uppercase options o RooAbsGoodnessOfFit - Forgot to put certain print statements in if (_verbose) conditionals (C.Roat) - Order of arguments in calls to create() sometimes wrong (verbose/ncpu swapped) (C.Roat) o RooAbsOptGoodnessOfFit - Fix more mistakes with if (_verbose) conditionals (C.Roat) o RooAbsRealLValue - Remove forgotten debug print statement o RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D,RooGaussKronrodIntegator1D,RooIntegrator1D,RooIntegrator2D, RooSegmentedIntegrator1D,RooSegmentedIntegrator2D,RooImproperIntegrator1D,RooMCIntegator - Change initialization process of RooNumIntFactory from dynamic process on loading to static process in RooNumIntFactor ctor as current model has problems o RooAddPdf - Add forgotton initializer for _refCoefRangeName in one of the constructors o RooArgSet - Declare writToFile() and writeToStream() as 'const' o RooBanner - Increment version tag to v2.08 o RooChi2Var - Fix copy/paste error in print statements in ctor o RooFitResult - Put ROOT version dependent #ifdef around TMatrix forward declaration to make it work with both ROOT4 and ROOT5 o RooHist,RooPlot - New implementation of pullHist/residualHist from G.Raven o RooNumIntConfig - Add forgotten initializers of RooCategory datamembers to ctor (fixes crashes observed by J. Rademackers) o RooNumIntFactory - Perform static initialization of all numeric integrator engines in the factory constructor (fixes oberved crashes of all numeric integration and configuration business) o RooRealVar - Back out change that setting asymmetric error clear symmetric error and vice versa. It causes just too much confusion... o RooSharedPropertiesList - Explicitly check for and handle input null pointers git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15668 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 15:37:11 UTC
97e55e5 Remove reference to deleted class TPacketizer2. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15667 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 15:18:38 UTC
c1a8a22 add SetElements function for Matrix and Vectors git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15666 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 14:30:45 UTC
3190a29 from Bertrand: - fixed bad layout of Print dialog git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15665 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 13:30:29 UTC
9e9b3a3 fix other compiler warning. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15664 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 12:34:46 UTC
7e503f0 From Gerri: fix valgrind warning. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15663 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 12:33:29 UTC
3ec6761 fix coding violations, last ci :-) git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15662 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 12:13:08 UTC
59d8d5f In TH2::FitSlicesY pass the option parameter to the Fit function (this fix was in FitSlicesX and was forgotten in FitSlicesY). git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15661 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 12:12:21 UTC
6e3da4d fix coding conventions (last one :-) git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15660 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 11:39:27 UTC
01d3320 From Lorenzo: work around a problem with gsl-config on Solaris. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15659 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 10:50:32 UTC
c24b73f and more fixes for coding conventions git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15658 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 10:27:23 UTC
006ca27 more fixes for coding conventions git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15657 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 10:22:13 UTC
3e5908b From Jan: This patch adds following issues: - public dataset management - separation of directories for different users - adding TProofServ::HandleDataSets method - spliting communication in UploadDataSet in two parts (checking name and saving) - I also added these methods: virtual Int_t UploadDataSet(const char *dataset, TList *files, const char *dest = 0, Int_t opt = kAskUser, TList *skippedFiles = 0) = 0; virtual Int_t CreateDataSet(const char *dataset, TList *files, Int_t opt = kAskUser) = 0; - and added arguments to TList *GetDataSets(const char *dir = 0); void ShowDataSets(const char *dir = 0); git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15656 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 09:33:50 UTC
60619b2 fix coding convention git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15655 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 09:22:46 UTC
292cde6 From Valeri Onuchin: - The macro tutorials/rose_image.C didn't work when executed using AClic. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15654 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 08:47:05 UTC
c2f3d52 In TBasket::ReadBasketBuffers and TBasketLoadbasketBuffers add a test on the return code from TFile::ReadBuffer. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15653 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 03 July 2006, 08:11:33 UTC
efa053f From Wim: o) changed shapes.py to closer mimic shapes.C o) removed "hysteresis" for strict memory policy o) added __str__ for buffers o) fixed code violations o) changed TTree member access lookup order git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15652 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 01 July 2006, 21:19:55 UTC
9aa6d95 fix warnings with icc, don't specify const on basic types passed by value, they are always const. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15651 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 01 July 2006, 16:01:08 UTC
a46f237 compile ROOTClassEnhancer with -O0 on MacOS X with icc 9.1 (work around compiler crash). git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15650 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 01 July 2006, 12:19:36 UTC
6629891 From Maarten: - Rename TPacketizer2 to TPacketizer - Introduce a new development version named TPacketizerDev - Implement packetizer selection via the PROOF input list. The packetizer is selected by adding a object like: TNamed("PROOF_Packetizer","TMyPacketizer") git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15649 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 01 July 2006, 12:05:49 UTC
9e59149 Rename TTreeCache to TTreeFileCache, to avoid clash due to the renaming of TTreeFilePrefetch -> TTreeCache. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15648 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 01 July 2006, 11:39:37 UTC
ae96a43 fix for Solaris git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15647 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 22:36:55 UTC
85916bd add linkdef for double32 git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15646 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 15:25:05 UTC
3e68d3e generate dictionary for double32 vector types git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15645 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 15:23:33 UTC
d0deed8 - add dictionary for double, double32 and float up to 7x7 matrices - rename operator/ for matrices to Div - implement correctly the operator +=, -=, *= and /= for matrices and vectors - add explicit conversion from matrices and vector of size 1 to scalar values - add operator(int i) to vector expressions - add tests for the new features - remove SMatrixD32 since typedef definition is not anymore needed in dictionary git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15644 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 14:45:46 UTC
b031225 From Bertrand: Solve a pthread locking problem on windows when exiting ROOT. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15643 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 14:36:02 UTC
d44f5d7 From Gerri: There were still cases where end point precise info was not correctly recorded. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15642 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 14:35:03 UTC
11cfff5 fix an off-by-one error when determining if a buffer is in the cache. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15641 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 14:24:48 UTC
981d69e fix a case where we have a write cache but no read cache. When doing reads we first should check the write cache and copy from there if needed. When the read cache is also active this case was alread covered. Also disable the default write cache when opening files in raw mode (as is done in TFileMerger which uses larger than 512K buffers anyway). git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15639 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 14:24:05 UTC
3dadc62 from Bertrand: - a patch to avoid empty font family names in TGFontDialog git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15638 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 14:08:36 UTC
44d1d22 - More tests in stressGraphics.cxx git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15637 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 13:51:48 UTC
9379e69 - Complete the previous patch: Between PS and PDF there is a scale factor of 4. So gStyle->GetLineScalePS() must be divided by 4 when passed to SetLineScale(). git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15636 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 08:40:14 UTC
9d50929 From Bertrand: Added new TGMsgBox options/buttons : - "Yes to All" - "No to All" - "Newer Only" - "Append" Modified test/guitest.C and tutorials/guitest.cxx accordingly git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15635 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 07:48:18 UTC
37d8107 In the constructor add an Info message when gDebug>0 git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15634 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 07:34:25 UTC
08762b3 Fix coding convention violation. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15633 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 06:36:35 UTC
3765e16 Fix coding conventions violations. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15632 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 06:35:04 UTC
b3a1e81 Fix coding conventions violations git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15631 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 06:31:27 UTC
9393b16 rolling back a previous commit about final types - breaks the tests. These functions will be rewritten anyway git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15629 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 06:08:19 UTC
365d3ca TFile::FlushCacheWrite must return the status. Previous version did not compile with non-gcc compilers. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15628 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 04:48:47 UTC
1dfa1cf From Eddy: Here another update of the quadp comments . I think that I got them all now . git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15627 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 30 June 2006, 04:35:12 UTC
db5d0ba Several fixes in the new cache handling: - TFile - GetBytesWritten() includes also the number of bytes still in the write cache - New method FlushWriteCache() - Call FlushWriteCache() also when closing files in raw mode - Call FlushWriteCache() also in Flush() - TFileCacheWrite: - new method GetBytesInCache() returning bytes still in cache used by TFile::GetBytesWritten() - WriteBuffer() returns int iso bool, -1 write failure, 0 in case recusively called and 1 in case copied in cache - TFileCacheRead: - ReadBuffer() returns int iso bool, -1 read failure, 0 in case not in cache and 1 in case read from cache. - TTreeCache: - use int return type for ReadBuffer() - TNetFile and TXNetFile: - call FlushWriteCache() in their Flush(). git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15626 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 22:15:37 UTC
802185b From Sergey Linev: Fix coding conventions violations git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15625 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 20:36:43 UTC
01dc476 Make Dummy containers visible symbols git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15624 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 18:13:42 UTC
fe25577 fix typos git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15623 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 18:03:44 UTC
f99769a returning real dummy iterators instead of default constructed ones (problem with win32 debugging) git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15622 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 17:59:47 UTC
6c13fdf Add header file needed to compile with REFLEXDLL on windows git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15621 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 17:43:29 UTC
5328c1d Add header file needed to compiler with REFLEXDLL on windows git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15620 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 17:27:15 UTC
671928d follow up of static function wrapper fix git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15619 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 16:50:27 UTC
9f39cb6 put missing wrapper function around statics git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15618 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 16:34:46 UTC
77de455 add description of Double32 data member in XML file git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15617 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 16:01:06 UTC
9044a37 fix typo git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15616 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 15:50:48 UTC
3a763f3 define Double32_t correctly outside the namespace git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15615 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 15:33:11 UTC
b26c7cf Adding the possibility to hardcode the CINT dictionary type from within a Reflex dictionary. This will be done via an attribute "iotype" in the seletion.xml file. E.g. <class name="TrackD32"> <field name="fCov" iotype="ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,5,5> >"/> </class> git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15614 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 15:30:49 UTC
3b9efd5 include type definition git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15613 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 14:43:36 UTC
30fabf5 Ugly hack to workaround typedefs to Scopes. This has to be undone ASAP. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15612 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 14:35:40 UTC
bf5980b move functions which return dummy iterators to src git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15611 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 14:20:06 UTC
a6cf6c9 - From Timur: Complete the "File" menu in the GL viewer (Save, and Quit ROOT) git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15610 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 12:16:26 UTC
cda398b In TFileCacheWrite::WriteBuffer change the return code from 0 to 1 when writing a buffer larger than the buffer size. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15609 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 09:04:23 UTC
c1bd8da add definition of Double32 git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15608 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 08:47:51 UTC
80d08c7 From Markus Frank: Document the TVirtualRefProxy algorithm git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15607 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 29 June 2006, 06:50:42 UTC
a2b37d2 Do not autoload classes that appear in a friend statement. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15606 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 23:47:17 UTC
e266501 In TFileMerger::Cp do not use the write cache since the function is already transferring large blocks. This function cannot work with the cache. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15605 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 20:07:52 UTC
e1c640a - SavePrimitive implemented for TGNumberEntryField git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15604 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 17:24:34 UTC
26eb701 Because I was tired to always answer this question: Dear rooters, sometimes, while filling a TTree, I encountered this message: Error in <TTree::Fill>: Failed filling branch:matches.matches, nbytes=-1 can someone explain me what does it mean? What mistake did I do while creating the code to fill that TTree? I decided to systematically print this message in addition to the existing message This error is symptomatic of a Tree created as a memory-resident Tree Instead of doing: TTree *T = new TTree(...) TFile *f = new TFile(...) you should do: TFile *f = new TFile(...) TTree *T = new TTree(...) git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15603 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 15:51:23 UTC
d04e3ff now works properly on AMD and Mac multicores and shows nicely 4 threads updating each a histogram. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15602 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 14:50:40 UTC
0f1345f comments. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15601 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 14:27:33 UTC
630090f From Lorenzo: fix for configure on Solaris. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15600 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 14:26:48 UTC
5a1c90b win compliance git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15599 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 13:49:34 UTC
132e153 Remove limitation to 100 peaks maximum. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15598 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 13:11:49 UTC
14f60dc new static function for convenience Scope::GlobalScope(). Alternatively Scope::ByName("") also works. Unit test added git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15597 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 12:48:07 UTC
4562d81 unit tests for checking new ToType ( RAW | FINAL ) git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15596 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 10:43:29 UTC
b36e071 New option "RAW" for function ToType. In case of a pointer or array, ToType with this option will return the underlying type (e.g. int[][] -> int). If no virtual overload for ToType is available it will return the current type in case a modifier was passed otherwise the empty type. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15595 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 10:43:05 UTC
673411c add explicit virtual destructor git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15594 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 10:39:46 UTC
0f7a381 From Markus: Implementation of a generic mechanism used to access properties of objects linked using object references. A proxy mechanism is used, which uses overloaded abstract interfaces for concrete reference implementations. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15593 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 10:06:50 UTC
72d33a6 - PaintLevels: make sure the z (zo and z2) values are not greater than fZmax or smaller than fZmin. Weird plots were produced (with option TRI1) wihtout this protection. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@15592 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636 28 June 2006, 10:04:57 UTC
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