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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
ff557b1 upgraded version number in to 2.3.90 30 July 2014, 22:00:02 UTC
bdbf87b upgraded in Sphinx documentation to version 0.2.0 of phcpy 30 July 2014, 21:56:00 UTC
1c1d87c added routines for one Newton step on Laurent systems to the Python interface and updated packaging for release 0.2.0 of phcpy 30 July 2014, 21:44:45 UTC
53f7939 added tests in C for one Newton step on Laurent polynomial systems 30 July 2014, 21:22:17 UTC
d442fb2 bug fix in one Newton step on Laurent system in standard precision arithmetic 30 July 2014, 21:17:24 UTC
e2f2219 suppressed failure message in blackbox solver for Laurent systems 30 July 2014, 21:07:17 UTC
d4318e3 adjusted main READ_ME of PHCpack for release 2.3.90 30 July 2014, 19:08:04 UTC
14a65cf adjusted greeting banners for release 2.3.90 30 July 2014, 16:57:25 UTC
272ac54 added one Newton step on Laurent systems routines to phcpy2c for Python 30 July 2014, 02:47:59 UTC
58ea521 added operations to perform one Newton step on Laurent polynomial systems 30 July 2014, 02:34:42 UTC
d3b0d5b adjusted module for renaming of Newton_step into standard_Newton_step 29 July 2014, 17:57:50 UTC
4f44e51 renaming of Newton_step into standard_Newton_step caused changes in lib_newton and phcpy2c. 29 July 2014, 17:51:09 UTC
21b0049 added operations for computing one Newton step on a Laurent polynomial system in standard double, double double, quad double, and multiprecision arithmetic 28 July 2014, 23:17:54 UTC
2114393 one procedure added to compute one Newton step on Laurent polynomial system in multiprecision arithmetic 28 July 2014, 23:07:04 UTC
b235d59 added load and store operations for strings of multiprecision Laurent systems 28 July 2014, 16:01:57 UTC
cdc320a added serialization operations for multiprecision Laurent systems to the C module phcpy2c for use in Python 28 July 2014, 01:49:19 UTC
9e217c0 forgotten declaration in syscon.h 28 July 2014, 01:47:34 UTC
e3b721b serialization of multiprecision Laurent polynomials added to syscon 28 July 2014, 01:39:50 UTC
87c77ca the main gateway to C has now also store and load operations for strings that contain multiprecision Laurent polynomials 27 July 2014, 23:28:08 UTC
6b3100c added store/load operations for multiprecision Laurent polynomials for serialization in the use_syscon gateway to C 27 July 2014, 23:21:32 UTC
47a34ec new operations for multiprecision Laurent systems in phcpy2c 27 July 2014, 16:09:40 UTC
3efa8fb added operations to C library for systems container to handle Laurent systems with multiprecision coefficients 26 July 2014, 19:47:48 UTC
cde1425 operations on multiprecision Laurent systems in the central gateway to C 26 July 2014, 18:39:01 UTC
d72fe16 added operations to the use_syscon gateway for multiprecision Laurent systems 26 July 2014, 14:48:42 UTC
bf81aa7 container made for the C interface to hold Laurent polynomial systems with arbitrary multiprecision coefficients, tested by ts_syscon 25 July 2014, 23:18:04 UTC
89cbe12 instantiated package to create and evaluate Jacobian matrices of Laurent polynomial systems for multiprecision complex numbers 25 July 2014, 22:21:48 UTC
3506417 instantiations of generic packages to evaluate Laurent polynomials and systems with arbitrary precision complex arithmetic 25 July 2014, 22:03:27 UTC
4c40a9a added test for evaluation of coefficient-polynomial function in case of arbitrary precision complex arithmetic 25 July 2014, 20:46:08 UTC
cbdcee8 modifications to the coefficient-polynomial evaluation functions in case of multiprecision aritmetic 25 July 2014, 20:44:41 UTC
dd01ae8 extended test program ts_laurpoly to test evaluation of Laurent polynomials with arbitrary multiprecision arithmetic 25 July 2014, 20:08:02 UTC
e97fd87 fixed several bugs that occur when evaluating Laurent polynomials with arbitrary precision arithmetic 25 July 2014, 20:06:53 UTC
6536a66 extra operations to store and load Laurent system from Python strings 24 July 2014, 20:50:00 UTC
e38b70f added new functions on containers for Laurent systems to the module for use in Python 24 July 2014, 20:03:41 UTC
ee3dc9d extended C interface with functions to load and store Laurent polynomials in standard double, double double, and quad double precision 24 July 2014, 18:24:28 UTC
1c9ba51 added to main gateway to C operations to load a Laurent polynomial as string 24 July 2014, 18:20:57 UTC
be70ee5 extra operation to load Laurent polynomial in standard precision into the container when given as a string 24 July 2014, 18:12:44 UTC
6f9add9 added operations to parse strings and to write to strings Laurent systems in double double and quad double precision into the main gateway to C 24 July 2014, 17:36:47 UTC
0f283a0 updated gateway to systems container with operations to parse from strings and write to strings Laurent polynomials in dd and qd precision 23 July 2014, 23:34:00 UTC
1b53dbd fixed bug in the writing of Laurent polynomials with quad double coefficients and made new package to convert Laurent polynomials in quad double precision into strings, with upgraded test procedure ts_parse 23 July 2014, 22:08:15 UTC
6617363 fixed bug in the writing of Laurent polynomials with double double coefficients and made a new package to parse and write such polynomials to strings, tested by ts_parse 23 July 2014, 21:44:08 UTC
6a0ad91 added permute operations for systems with coefficients in double double and quad double precision 22 July 2014, 18:21:54 UTC
ae3aad4 in C interface routines added permute operations for double double and quad double polynomial and Laurent systems 22 July 2014, 18:14:31 UTC
ed0ba88 permute operations for double double and quad double polynomial and Laurent systems made available through the gateway to C routines 22 July 2014, 17:58:48 UTC
debcb09 added permute operations for polynomial systems and Laurent systems with double double and quad double coefficients 22 July 2014, 17:42:05 UTC
202086b added extra functions on the systems containers for Laurent systems with double double and quad double coefficients to the Python interface 21 July 2014, 23:10:36 UTC
55ac62c added functions to access systems container for Laurent systems with double double and quad double coefficients 21 July 2014, 22:23:34 UTC
36a186e adjusted use_c2phc with the extra functions in use_syscon 21 July 2014, 20:01:40 UTC
323cc6d functionality of containers of Laurent systems with double double and quad double coefficients available via use_syscon 21 July 2014, 19:52:29 UTC
7abc664 more tests on Laurent systems container for double double and quad double coefficients 20 July 2014, 19:49:20 UTC
e1a9ee3 improved reading of Laurent polynomial systems with double double and quad double coefficients 20 July 2014, 19:17:49 UTC
9eee2eb added test procedures for Laurent systems 20 July 2014, 16:28:06 UTC
cf44382 new container for Laurent systems with quad double coefficients 19 July 2014, 20:47:00 UTC
63f1da0 new container for Laurent systems with double double coefficients 19 July 2014, 20:37:31 UTC
6ed1208 is extended with polyhedral homotopies in double double and quad double precision 18 July 2014, 23:02:58 UTC
1abd474 added functions to prepare for the C to Python interface 18 July 2014, 22:16:59 UTC
c7cc115 C test routines that call path trackers for polyhedral homotopies in double double and quad double precision 18 July 2014, 21:45:05 UTC
10bfc37 upgraded C interface to run polyhedral homotopies in double double and quad double precision 18 July 2014, 15:51:07 UTC
20888dc fixed documentation errors concerning the new operations to run polyhedral homotopies in quad double precision 18 July 2014, 15:40:28 UTC
8a9b4d6 added 18 operations in use_c2phc for polyhedral homotopies in double double and quad double precision 17 July 2014, 21:56:53 UTC
b08e9b3 polyhedral homotopies in double double and quad double precision are exported by the cells container 17 July 2014, 20:55:38 UTC
d9c54f7 cells container holds random polynomials systems with double double and quad double complex coefficients 17 July 2014, 18:14:46 UTC
c4949cf phc -m now provides polyhedral continuation in double double and quad double precision 16 July 2014, 19:29:20 UTC
e486f08 added main procedure to mainsmvc.adb 15 July 2014, 22:24:55 UTC
27ac544 another refactoring in drivers in case of Laurent polynomial systems 15 July 2014, 21:19:02 UTC
0cd4dcf refactored code in drivers to ask for stable mv and cells on file 15 July 2014, 20:55:12 UTC
65daa9c testing multitasked solving of start systems in polyhedral homotopies with quad double coefficients 14 July 2014, 20:04:32 UTC
8adddb0 added eval procedure to check on solutions of binomial systems with quad double coefficients 14 July 2014, 19:19:57 UTC
927532f added separating space between real and imaginary part of complex number when writing polynomials with double double coefficients in tableau format 13 July 2014, 14:34:29 UTC
2e12cb9 tableau formats for polynomials and systems with quad double coefficients 13 July 2014, 14:31:26 UTC
21f4883 test on solving start systems for polyhedral continuation with double doubles 12 July 2014, 15:49:12 UTC
d84cbb3 added eval procedure for binomial systems with double double coefficients 12 July 2014, 15:41:07 UTC
ac56eb6 new package to work with tableau formats of polynomials and systems with double double complex coefficients 12 July 2014, 14:51:42 UTC
97c9e83 new package multitasking_polyhedral_starters with code taken from multitasking_polyhedral_trackers to make room for dd and qd versions 12 July 2014, 14:20:06 UTC
c246c21 updates with distance to start end game in multitasking polyhedral continuation 11 July 2014, 23:18:28 UTC
b0b01dd applied new drivers to tune the parameters for double double and quad double precision 11 July 2014, 16:42:05 UTC
cb90df1 driver to tune the continuation parameters must know the precision 11 July 2014, 16:25:09 UTC
375caef updated tests for polyhedral continuation in double double and quad double precision 10 July 2014, 18:44:00 UTC
bb1e8ac upgrades drivers to polyhedral continuation in double double and quad double precision 10 July 2014, 18:04:36 UTC
0aa3e75 added functions on double double and quad double systems 10 July 2014, 17:40:02 UTC
2fac33a tuning of continuation parameters must take precision into account 09 July 2014, 21:13:24 UTC
ea0ac3c enabled multitasked polyhedral trackers for double double and quad double in drivers, adjustment of start_end_game parameter 09 July 2014, 19:44:25 UTC
834f645 readjusting start_end_game parameter after one blackbox polyhedral driver 09 July 2014, 19:28:18 UTC
8e9e8a6 polyhedral homotopies in double double and quad double precision work for fully mixed polynomial systems 08 July 2014, 17:15:56 UTC
17163b1 extended solvers for binomial systems with quad double coefficients with procedures as needed by multitasked polyhedral trackers 08 July 2014, 15:51:30 UTC
acdd315 added routine to the solvers for binomial systems with double double coefficients 07 July 2014, 23:55:03 UTC
de0ca21 added Eval procedure for double double binomial systems 07 July 2014, 23:38:05 UTC
82fa6d0 fixed ts_mtvolcon and updated specifications of multitasking polyhedral trackers 07 July 2014, 15:28:20 UTC
c75aefd separated code from multitasking polyhedral trackers into new package polyhedral start systems 07 July 2014, 14:40:37 UTC
e035fa9 versions for polyhedral homotopy continuation in quad double precision 06 July 2014, 19:13:37 UTC
919b6f6 new package to convert polynomials with quad double complex coefficients into Laurent polynomials 06 July 2014, 18:39:59 UTC
0a2faa0 added routines to create lists of supports from polynomial systems with quad double coefficients 06 July 2014, 18:24:50 UTC
eb1e1b9 polyhedral homotopies in double double precision accessible via ts_mvasta 05 July 2014, 22:04:15 UTC
a1f7116 extensions for systems with double double complex coefficients 05 July 2014, 21:20:21 UTC
08e8a33 converting polynomials to Laurent polynomials for double double complex coefficients 05 July 2014, 20:59:42 UTC
c73322a versions of polyhedral continuation in double double and quad double precision 04 July 2014, 20:05:17 UTC
7b04ab7 extended with tools for quad double complex coefficients 04 July 2014, 19:49:19 UTC
b6ec75a tool for stable polyhedral continuation in quad double precision 04 July 2014, 19:43:44 UTC
3326f7b added extensions for polynomials with double double complex coefficients 04 July 2014, 19:18:20 UTC
8f7fd66 fixed error in code 04 July 2014, 19:15:49 UTC
d68b800 tools to support polyhedral continuation for solutions with zero components in double double precision 04 July 2014, 18:57:00 UTC
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