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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
15122b9 prepared files for version 0.7.1 of phcpy 13 August 2017, 19:55:03 UTC
3dba40e prepared files for version 2.4.42 13 August 2017, 19:40:45 UTC
8f1e682 several small edits to the source of the documentation for phcpy 13 August 2017, 01:44:20 UTC
a540ec5 passed verbose flag to the split_filter in the top_cascade functions 13 August 2017, 01:37:38 UTC
fee337a initialized failure code in the store functions of the interface module so storing nothing does not lead to a crash 13 August 2017, 01:30:30 UTC
cafd386 many fixes in the factor module 13 August 2017, 01:14:45 UTC
75329e7 rearranged documentation strings of the top_cascade functions for a sphinx complaint 13 August 2017, 00:42:14 UTC
77db4cb bug fixed in the run_cascade() function of the cascades module 13 August 2017, 00:26:22 UTC
92fc8a6 added a solve() to the factor module for python3 12 August 2017, 23:03:54 UTC
15830c0 added a solve() to the factor module for the numerical irreducible decomposition for the python2 version of phcpy 12 August 2017, 19:28:23 UTC
dc71453 added an islaurent option to the run_cascades() function in the cascades module 12 August 2017, 02:12:09 UTC
b7c811e added a decompose() function to the factor modules for python2 and 3 12 August 2017, 01:02:39 UTC
e931efe modifications on Centos Linux 7.3 to compile with GNAT GPL 2017 11 August 2017, 21:44:18 UTC
54e1b21 added parameters with default values to the run_cascade() function in the cascades module, both for python2 and python3 11 August 2017, 18:56:25 UTC
504af15 added a run_cascade() function to the cascades module for the python3 version of phcpy 11 August 2017, 03:31:30 UTC
47755b2 added a run_cascade function to the cascades module in PHCpy2 11 August 2017, 03:26:42 UTC
c5de554 updated the script with the filters for the python3 version 10 August 2017, 22:42:45 UTC
7624990 fixed the ismember() tests in the sets module to properly filter out true junk 10 August 2017, 17:46:07 UTC
707cf31 updated the sevenbar script in the examples folder of the python2 version 10 August 2017, 03:07:23 UTC
45ffc83 bug fixed in laurent_ismember_filter() function in the sets module 10 August 2017, 03:05:37 UTC
be2a456 added a cascade_filter() function for witness sets defined by Laurent systems 10 August 2017, 02:22:17 UTC
a1ea836 updated the python3 version of the module sets, with the corresponding test script 09 August 2017, 23:26:27 UTC
7dcc4e5 added ismember_filter() functions to the sets module of python2 version of phcpy 09 August 2017, 23:16:30 UTC
b668654 fixed a bug in the returning the correct values after called the homotopy_ismember functions 09 August 2017, 23:05:30 UTC
efc0b40 the function laurent_top_cascade() is tested on the example 09 August 2017, 02:49:49 UTC
d950947 added python3 version of the illustrative example in the examples folder 09 August 2017, 02:02:29 UTC
c122866 added a function cascade_filter() wrapping the cascade_step() followed by the filtering and the dropping of the slack variable 09 August 2017, 01:33:31 UTC
5c069fb added a function to encapsulate the blackbox solver to compute the generic points at the top of the cascade 09 August 2017, 00:26:29 UTC
d8e5c9d added a split_filter function to the cascades module for python 2 and 3 08 August 2017, 03:45:26 UTC
dcf1d29 added an illustrative example in the witness generate for python2 08 August 2017, 03:00:33 UTC
2ad1bd3 bug fix in the sets module for python2 08 August 2017, 02:36:42 UTC
4fb8af7 added functions to the sets module to drop a variable from a Laurent system 07 August 2017, 00:36:06 UTC
ebe4139 added functions to the C extension modules to drop a variable from a Laurent system 06 August 2017, 22:36:22 UTC
51da586 added jobs to drop a variable from a Laurent polynomial system 06 August 2017, 22:08:05 UTC
bdc73d9 added procedures to drop variables of Laurent polynomials 06 August 2017, 22:04:00 UTC
359f6fd added python functions to the sets module for membership tests to witness sets defined by Laurent systems, with the test point given as a solution string 06 August 2017, 18:42:48 UTC
6d01721 extended the python3 module sets with homotopy membership tests which take the test point as a solution in symbolic format 06 August 2017, 01:34:33 UTC
4d7d4e4 added functions to the python2 sets module 05 August 2017, 23:01:31 UTC
61ce6e9 added function to run the homotopy membership on a test point in symbolic solution format, in double double and quad double precision, and also for witness sets defined by Laurent polynomials 05 August 2017, 22:50:33 UTC
35eb577 added jobs to run the membership test with solution strings in double double, quad double, and on witness sets defined by Laurent polynomial systems 05 August 2017, 22:27:46 UTC
dd52775 bug fix 05 August 2017, 19:47:51 UTC
42a9215 added print statements in the Ada gateway for the homotopy membership test in case the verbose flag is on 05 August 2017, 19:16:03 UTC
b8ef019 added function to the sets module to run the homotopy membership test with the tst point in a solution string 05 August 2017, 01:41:51 UTC
bd178c0 function added to the C extension module to run the homotopy membership test with the test point in a solution string 05 August 2017, 01:39:04 UTC
b88ecc0 added the proper job code in the C function for the homotopy membership test with the test point as a solution string 04 August 2017, 19:55:10 UTC
2eef803 added a job to run a homotopy membership test on a test point representation in a symbolic solution string 04 August 2017, 19:53:15 UTC
68a0620 added prototype and beginning of a function definition of a homotopy membership test which takes the test points as a symbolic string 04 August 2017, 02:41:32 UTC
586b1ca updated the documentation of cascade_step, for the extra dimension parameter 03 August 2017, 23:09:07 UTC
0781c75 applied the store-witness-set functions in the cascades module 03 August 2017, 22:56:22 UTC
ed0f330 applied the store-witness-set functions in the membership tests in the sets module 03 August 2017, 00:51:59 UTC
221abd2 removed the patch in the example script for the sevenbar mechanism 02 August 2017, 22:29:32 UTC
8a98289 applied the store-witness-set functions in the monodromy factorization functions of the factor module 02 August 2017, 22:22:04 UTC
d6b3bab added function to the python3 interface module to store witness sets with swapping of the symbols of the slack variables 02 August 2017, 16:30:54 UTC
339e9cd added functions to the python2 interface module to store witness sets with the swapping of the symbols of the slack variables 02 August 2017, 16:21:46 UTC
1436753 uncommented the calls to the jobs to swap symbols for the slack variables in witness sets defined by Laurent systems 02 August 2017, 16:14:57 UTC
e82d55a added functions to the C extension module for Python to swap the symbols for the slack variables to the end 02 August 2017, 02:51:38 UTC
f610258 added functions to swap symbols for the slack variables to the end of the witness set stored in the systems and solutions containers 02 August 2017, 00:45:10 UTC
398f597 added six jobs to swap the slack variables to the end for witness sets processing 01 August 2017, 23:05:29 UTC
55d5e98 prepared files for version 0.7.0 of phcpy 31 July 2017, 21:47:53 UTC
77c6b4b prepared files for release 2.4.41 31 July 2017, 21:26:52 UTC
0710f66 added Python function to make a witness set of a hypersurface defined by a Laurent polynomial 31 July 2017, 20:04:56 UTC
5f527e8 bug fix in drivers to compute witness sets of hypersurfaces defined by Laurent polynomials, swap cases in application of the convert operations 31 July 2017, 19:25:22 UTC
a6edae1 added the type conversions to the root finders in the driver packages for witness sets for hypersurfaces defined by Laurent polynomials 31 July 2017, 15:08:42 UTC
1cf5c16 added C functions to the compute witness sets of hypersurfaces defined by Laurent polynomials 30 July 2017, 21:53:43 UTC
c86fac1 added jobs to the Ada gateway procedure to C, to make witness sets for Laurent polynomials 30 July 2017, 19:36:49 UTC
7631001 added stub procedures to compute a witness set for Laurent polynomials 30 July 2017, 19:17:39 UTC
f3e765f added basic version of witness set computation for a hypersurface defined by a Laurent polynomial to phc -l, phc -l2, and phc -l4; adjusted driver packages 30 July 2017, 17:24:55 UTC
480ae5b defined input for individual Laurent polynomials with coefficients in quad double precision 30 July 2017, 17:19:11 UTC
883feb7 prepared procedure to compute witness sets for hypersurfaces defined by Laurent polynomials in quad double precision 27 July 2017, 16:34:59 UTC
6b681b2 added procedure to make a witness set for a hypersurface defined by a Laurent polynomial in double double precision 27 July 2017, 16:29:01 UTC
9c2ba9f extended the writing of witness sets represented in intrinsic coordinates to Laurent polynomial systems 26 July 2017, 16:50:11 UTC
724e940 started making of a witness set for Laurent polynomials 26 July 2017, 16:14:15 UTC
2ac7f35 the phc -l, phc -l2, and phc -l4 recognize Laurent polynomials on input 25 July 2017, 13:39:01 UTC
00eedcd provided basic input procedures for Laurent polynomials in double double and quad double precision 25 July 2017, 13:30:23 UTC
7cd4628 added functions to the C interface to define diagonal homotopies for Laurent systems 24 July 2017, 20:25:42 UTC
f1bd7cf added definitions of diagonal homotopies for Laurent systems to the Ada gateway to C interface 24 July 2017, 20:17:33 UTC
016e0ab improved the specification of the path tracking of solution paths defined by extrinsic diagonal homotopies to intersect witness sets 23 July 2017, 21:44:40 UTC
7791890 changed procedure because of splitting of package diagonal_homotopy_continuation 22 July 2017, 21:13:56 UTC
fed474b splitted a package to track paths defined by diagonal homotopy into two versions, one for intrinsic and another for extrinsic homotopies 22 July 2017, 21:08:15 UTC
18b1d26 fixed wrong call to driver procedure in test procedure, because of added parameter to the newest version of the drivers 22 July 2017, 20:54:52 UTC
b917098 added a procedure to write the witness set defined by a Laurent system 21 July 2017, 17:54:24 UTC
e3351a9 completed extension in the definition of diagonal homotopies, for witness sets defined by Laurent systems 21 July 2017, 09:38:25 UTC
67cefe4 added the definition of the first type of diagonal homotopy for Laurent systems 20 July 2017, 21:30:57 UTC
3430c42 added a complete function for Laurent systems 20 July 2017, 21:19:47 UTC
e6f4363 added operations to extend diagonal homotopies to Laurent systems in double double and quad double precision 20 July 2017, 00:33:18 UTC
62e8503 added basic operations to extend diagonal homotopies to work with Laurent systems 19 July 2017, 21:37:21 UTC
a0c8408 removed the global use clause on the polynomials, to make room for Laurent polynomials 19 July 2017, 15:47:23 UTC
d0ef301 listed the four types of homotopies which involve witness sets in the phcpy documentation 19 July 2017, 02:29:47 UTC
53faebb incremented the project history of phcpy 19 July 2017, 02:18:33 UTC
07bf3a1 corrected the phcpy documentation for the new modules cascades, factor, and diagonal 19 July 2017, 01:52:50 UTC
4cda1d3 prepared files for version 0.6.9 of phcpy 18 July 2017, 22:07:47 UTC
91727fb prepared files for release 2.3.40 18 July 2017, 21:00:04 UTC
54f48a3 added a patch to make the monodromy factorization on the sevenbar problem work 18 July 2017, 03:14:13 UTC
8a5afc9 added storing of embedded system in the initialization of the sampler in the monodromy breakup functions in the factor module 18 July 2017, 03:10:14 UTC
541bc70 added initialization of the polynomial type in the initialization of the sampling operations code 17 July 2017, 22:55:26 UTC
2b6e64d python3 version of the script in the examples folder 17 July 2017, 01:44:24 UTC
d4b06d0 updated the script for the sevenbar example 17 July 2017, 01:18:28 UTC
1c0295f extended the functions in the factor module to work with Laurent systems 16 July 2017, 23:19:30 UTC
e4b9f40 added functions to drop variables and coordinates from polynomials and solutions in double double and quad double precision 16 July 2017, 19:11:08 UTC
7c2cf47 patched bug in getting the names of variables by not clearing the symbol table 16 July 2017, 17:59:35 UTC
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