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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
4184f16 all files ready to release version 2.4.03 22 October 2015, 21:55:18 UTC
5ff1f42 version 0.3.2 of phcpy is ready for release 22 October 2015, 21:51:58 UTC
1ac3d93 prepared greetings for release 2.4.03 22 October 2015, 21:39:56 UTC
ef74749 extended schubert module of phcpy with versions of the Littlewood-Richardson homotopies in double double and quad double precision 22 October 2015, 21:33:12 UTC
0948550 updated parsing of tuple of input arguments for the L-R homotopies in the module that defines the C interface for Python 22 October 2015, 21:28:21 UTC
348147e upgraded C interface with function to run the L-R homotopies in double double and quad double precision 22 October 2015, 20:49:40 UTC
c596710 extra jobs to the C gateway procedures to run Littlewood-Richardson homotopies in double double and quad double precision 22 October 2015, 20:11:06 UTC
47259c8 refined the definitions of the output level during the resolution of a Schubert problem with Littlewood-Richardson homotopies 22 October 2015, 19:29:11 UTC
f92cbbf for consistency in naming with double double and quad double packages, renamed bracket_polynomials (& systems) into standard_bracket_polynomials (& systems) 22 October 2015, 16:28:07 UTC
170cd0e updated C gateway to Littlewood-Richardson homotopies for name changes; documented the resolution of a generic Schubert problem 22 October 2015, 13:40:25 UTC
dd5366d commented out print statement to reduce the size of the output files 22 October 2015, 01:58:27 UTC
48c5160 bug fix in converting bracket polynomials from coefficients in double precicision to coefficients in double double and quad double precision 21 October 2015, 18:30:05 UTC
82989d6 added tests in double double and quad double precision 21 October 2015, 12:56:48 UTC
eac8b9e driver procedures are ready to resolve Schubert problems in double double and quad double precision ... 20 October 2015, 23:28:01 UTC
0b35e14 main procedures to resolve Schubert problems with Littlewood-Richardson homotopies in double double and quad double procedures are correctly compiled 20 October 2015, 20:50:59 UTC
2cf6606 renaming of intersection_solution_posets for the double double and quad double versions 20 October 2015, 19:05:02 UTC
4b7580d extended path tracking through intersection posets with procedures for double double and quad double precision 20 October 2015, 16:18:37 UTC
2d5308b moved code into a new package to make room for double double and quad double versions 20 October 2015, 14:14:32 UTC
fff675b trivial stay, stay and swap homotopies in double double and quad double precision 20 October 2015, 02:44:07 UTC
df8a518 redefined bracket polynomials with coefficients in double double and quad double precision with a generic package 19 October 2015, 23:03:29 UTC
a5baf19 removed definitions of bracket polynomials with double double and quad double coefficients to make room for the definitions using a generic package 19 October 2015, 23:01:21 UTC
8126b11 more procedures to formulate the equations for the Littlewood-Richardson homotopies in double double and quad double precision 19 October 2015, 20:28:22 UTC
feaa3dc further refactoring and moving code from one package to another 18 October 2015, 22:36:57 UTC
849c9e1 expansions of minors for the numeric formulation of Schubert conditions now happens in double double and quad double precision 18 October 2015, 22:08:49 UTC
6c4b77d converting bracket polynomials to have coefficients of double double and quad double precision 18 October 2015, 17:04:18 UTC
1aa853a completed addition of procedures to define the coordinate transformations in double double and quad double precision 18 October 2015, 02:07:07 UTC
dee4eb9 bracket polynomials with coefficients in double double and quad double precision as needed to accumulate expansions of minors 18 October 2015, 02:05:42 UTC
d6a6f43 coordinate transformations in double double and quad double precision 17 October 2015, 16:27:58 UTC
ac3f4ae mapping in double double and quad double precision added 17 October 2015, 15:48:54 UTC
9a0c568 path trackers in double double and quad double precision called in the moving of a flag when resolving Schubert problems with Littlewood-Richardson homotopies 17 October 2015, 00:11:54 UTC
8730231 completed specification of the wrapped path trackers as needed to run the path trackers in double double and quad double precision when resolving a Schubert problem 16 October 2015, 23:56:37 UTC
d889a57 formulation of numerical equations in double double and quad double precision to formulate Schubert intersection conditions 16 October 2015, 23:24:45 UTC
a96bab7 remember tables of symbolic minors represented as polynomials with coefficients in double double and quad double precision 16 October 2015, 19:42:31 UTC
a604bfc defined the output for matrices of polynomials with coefficients in double double and quad double precision 16 October 2015, 19:29:09 UTC
2a50a46 minor expansions of matrices with polynomials with coefficients in double double and quad double precision 16 October 2015, 18:35:22 UTC
7cfbfa7 representations of monomials as polynomials with coefficients in double double and quad double precision 16 October 2015, 17:53:59 UTC
27dc302 prepared for double double and quad double Schubert conditions 16 October 2015, 00:48:39 UTC
b14fb11 refactored moving_flag_homotopies into two new packages start_flag_homotopies and setup_flag_homotopies 16 October 2015, 00:19:07 UTC
a7489b5 factored out wrappers to the path trackers in the continuation methods applied with the Littlewood-Richardson homotopies 15 October 2015, 22:20:05 UTC
630a80e transforming pairs of flags can now be done in double double and quad double precision 15 October 2015, 19:28:48 UTC
52ce768 updated call to resolve and write_resolve in a test procedure for the new option to use an efficient problem reformulation 15 October 2015, 18:24:25 UTC
90fb9d0 the generic point test for the efficient representation of Schubert problems is harder to compute... 15 October 2015, 18:06:35 UTC
1276ca9 updated gateway routine to the C and Python interface to resolve Schubert problems with an efficient formulation of the equations 15 October 2015, 17:55:43 UTC
f1c59f4 improved driver procedures for the new option to use an efficient problem formulation 15 October 2015, 17:49:48 UTC
9fcefe4 the option to use a more efficient formulation for Schubert problems is added 15 October 2015, 17:35:51 UTC
f279ca9 extensions for double double and quad double precision 15 October 2015, 16:09:46 UTC
a912d49 more efficient representation for the Schubert problems 15 October 2015, 00:21:46 UTC
72d25d8 phc_session.log was not generated with a temporaryFileName in trackPaths 15 October 2015, 00:17:07 UTC
5d915c5 determinant of submatrix defined by selection of rows and columns, given as brackets 14 October 2015, 21:21:56 UTC
69a787f enumerating and counting brackets not above a given bracket, as needed for a more efficient representation of the equations for a Schubert condition 14 October 2015, 17:54:03 UTC
0411c7e added less than or equal operation on brackets to define the partial order 13 October 2015, 23:05:53 UTC
937c1b9 interface to phc -e changed, user can enter values for the generic flags 13 October 2015, 18:21:53 UTC
ce1f215 the user of phc -e (option #5) can enter values for the generic flags 13 October 2015, 17:52:39 UTC
4510ad6 generation of random flags separated into another driver procedure 13 October 2015, 04:24:10 UTC
f010e81 the output of phc -e now starts with the formal expansion of the Schubert problem being resolved 12 October 2015, 23:28:45 UTC
9b92d18 added write procedure to write to file in addition to writing to standard output 12 October 2015, 23:23:24 UTC
7c30ec2 fixed calling of LRtriple with adding of two extra questions 12 October 2015, 22:02:50 UTC
8b366fc random flags are written before the start of the continuation when resolving a Schubert problem 12 October 2015, 00:42:05 UTC
38bc27a added printing of seed for the random number generator after resolving a Schubert problem; user can tune the continuation parameters and set the output level when tracking paths defined by Littlewood-Richardson homotopies 11 October 2015, 21:29:32 UTC
8facd00 called the multitasking root refiners in the blackbox continuation procedures in double double and quad double precision 10 October 2015, 20:08:16 UTC
36bfe35 added versions of the multitasking root refiners in double double and quad double precision 09 October 2015, 22:02:32 UTC
0dfe09a made the get and set functions on continuation parameters available for use in the Python interface 08 October 2015, 16:48:50 UTC
4935f4e the C interface to PHCpack has two extra functions to get and set the values of a continuation parameter 08 October 2015, 15:17:59 UTC
12e53fd added jobs to the gateway to C interface to get and set values of the continuation parameters via one single index 08 October 2015, 15:15:18 UTC
9223661 added operations to get and set values of continuation parameter via an index 08 October 2015, 15:13:07 UTC
5dd83e4 forgotten to include a directory in the makefile for windows 07 October 2015, 22:22:06 UTC
8fbddfb illustrated quality up with the options -b2 and -t12 of phc 07 October 2015, 21:45:57 UTC
4044b1c made end of second critical section consistent as with double double and quad double precision in the multitasking polyhedral trackers in double precision 07 October 2015, 21:22:24 UTC
678719b fixed makefile for the test program ts_filman 07 October 2015, 19:11:22 UTC
ce6c255 fixed call to the root refiners for double double and quad doubles in a test program on the extrapolators 07 October 2015, 18:45:35 UTC
5944d51 fix in test program, problem caused by refactoring of code 07 October 2015, 18:31:57 UTC
5c4a9cc updated general READ_ME files for next release 07 October 2015, 13:09:25 UTC
971587f prepared release 0.3.1 of phcpy 07 October 2015, 12:04:55 UTC
0900abe forgot to update the version number when updating the date 07 October 2015, 11:55:11 UTC
dbae4aa updated version to 2.4.02 in its greetings 07 October 2015, 11:28:53 UTC
bea3592 for double double and quad double arithmetic, end of second critical section must be farther in the multitasking polyhedral path trackers 06 October 2015, 22:18:15 UTC
d063331 changes to double double predictors caused by added exponentiation with 64-bit integer 06 October 2015, 18:44:25 UTC
8510835 updates to singular value and least squares computation because of exponentiation functions added for 64-bit integers 06 October 2015, 18:40:33 UTC
a9c15fc added exponentiation for 64-bit integers of double double and quad doubles 06 October 2015, 18:35:45 UTC
1d6a002 added wrapper to convert 64-bit integer numbers to double double and quad doubles 06 October 2015, 17:39:27 UTC
30a0cb9 scaling of the powers of the continuation parameter added in the multitasked versions of the polyhedral homotopy trackers 06 October 2015, 02:14:01 UTC
ad84b39 added the scripts that define the web interface 05 October 2015, 18:25:13 UTC
e6b744a update so that phc -p writes version number and seed used in the random number generators for reproducible runs 04 October 2015, 23:37:38 UTC
ca4c0c3 update so that output file of phc -m contains the seed for the random number generator and the version number 04 October 2015, 23:19:19 UTC
8315734 change to write seed and version number in output file of phc -r 04 October 2015, 23:04:09 UTC
ee74ee9 fixed patch for exponentiation of double double and quad double with double using the addition functions in the double double and quad double number packages 03 October 2015, 19:44:57 UTC
52e2508 upgraded version number in the source code directory to 2.4.02 03 October 2015, 19:39:49 UTC
3f9591d extended exponentiation of double double and quad double number with wrappers for the case the exponent is of type double 03 October 2015, 19:38:24 UTC
dc3b754 better approximation for t**m in case t is double double or quad double and m is a double float 03 October 2015, 02:12:31 UTC
bd5cf78 better values for tolerances when calling root refiners in blackbox mode after tracking paths in double double and quad double precision 02 October 2015, 21:37:40 UTC
0a87361 reset the default tolerances for the polyhedral continuation in double double and quad double precision 02 October 2015, 16:36:59 UTC
e26f633 updates caused by extra parameter (induced permutation) in the black box mixed volume computations 01 October 2015, 22:58:45 UTC
a36c2e3 changed type of tolerance parameters in the root refiners in double double and quad double precision 01 October 2015, 22:37:28 UTC
fbe55db blackbox polynomial continuation procedures call the silent root refiners in double double and quad double precision that filter out the path failures 01 October 2015, 13:32:40 UTC
44837ee versions of root refiners that filter out path failures from solution lists computed in double double and quad double precision 01 October 2015, 02:50:34 UTC
3d7837c reset the tuning of the continuation parameters for double double and quad double path tracking to the default values for double precision 30 September 2015, 19:00:36 UTC
32d3c6a updated root refiners on solutions computed in double double and quad double precision with a condition report 30 September 2015, 17:35:53 UTC
081b405 tuning of continuation parameters for double double and quad double arithmetic 29 September 2015, 21:57:52 UTC
53c3a08 the induced permutations are returned in the blackbox mixed volume computations 29 September 2015, 21:06:28 UTC
4668470 unused input parameter is removed from blackbox polyhedral continuation 29 September 2015, 17:42:42 UTC
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